
XLIV “Week of Science"

XLIV “Week of Science"
Start: 29 November 2015

From November 30th to December 5th XLIV “Week of Science", a scientific conference with international participation will be held at Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University.

"Week of Science" is a large-scale scientific forum that every year brings together students, post-graduates, researchers from the Russian Academy of sciences and other Russian and foreign universities, as well as the representatives of industries, business and government.

Power engineering, energy conservation and ecology; new materials and technologies; technology of living systems; IT-technology and many other subjects are among the main research fields of the "Week of Science". Most reports are related to various fields of fundamental science such as cosmophysics, physics of nanostructures, biophysics and mechanics. A wide range of reports on engineering science, i.e. energy and energy-saving technologies, construction, information technology, applied mathematics and robotics, covers virtually the entire list of up-to-date technologies at the federal level. The participants of the "Week of Science" will be also introduced into the research in the field of humanities and economics.

This conference, which takes place at the University for the 44th time, will become an interactive platform for the discussion of scientific results and achievements.