
National Research University

The main concept of developing °ʷʼ¼

°ʷʼ¼ is a national polytechnic research university of Russia, a systemically important multidisciplinary university of Russian polytechnic education, a leader in multi-disciplinary scientific research, world-class pan-industry technologies and science-based innovations.

The mission of °ʷʼ¼ lies in:

  • ensuring a good reputation, prestige and competitiveness of the Russian polytechnic education;
  • developing an advanced polytechnic system of training specialists, namely, the one aimed at training leaders and exceptionally qualified scientists and engineers possessing world-class competences; providing high-quality advanced training of the new generation of versatile, highly skilled and competitive professionals;
  • generating, using and distributing the globally important multidisciplinary “polytechnic” knowledge; developing, introducing and applying the cutting edge pan-industry science-based technologies, commercializing the results of the activities in the field of science and engineering challenges the global economy is currently faced with.

The main goal of the Development Program for °ʷʼ¼ National Research University is to modernize and develop the Polytechnic University as a university of a new type integrating multidisciplinary scientific research, as well as world-class pan-industry technologies in order to increase the competitiveness of the Russian economy.

Establishing and developing the National Research University (NRU °ʷʼ¼) is an inherent part when finding win-win solutions to the current challenges the backbone industries of the national economy are facing, namely, the issues concerning staffing and complicated scientific and engineering tasks.

Favorable conditions will be created at NRU °ʷʼ¼ for:

  • the effective integration of state-of-the-art educational and science-based technologies;
  • carrying out fundamental and applied research on the global level;
  • forming new generations of academic and engineering specialists possessing world-class competences and capable of ensuring competitiveness of Russian scientific organizations and production plants globally.

NRU °ʷʼ¼ will effectively

  • carry out a broad spectrum of fundamental and applied research on the global level; generating, distributing and applying the cutting edge science-based pan-industry technologies;
  • work in the sphere of science and innovation, commercialize research and development projects and provide the transfer of technologies which meet the ever-growing requirements of high-technology industries;
  • design and introduce innovation educational programs for advanced training of competitive Bachelor and Master professionals possessing world-class specialized inter- and multidisciplinary competences.

The Development PROGRAM of the state higher professional education establishment “°ʷʼ¼” for 2010-2019.