
Integrating education with consumer behavior relevant to energy efficiency and climate change at the universities of Russia, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh (BECK)

Integrating education with consumer behavior relevant to energy efficiency and climate change at the universities of Russia, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh (BECK)
Start: 15.11.2018 End: 14.11.2021 Project Site: Project Coordinator: Vilnius Gediminas Technical University https://www.vgtu.lt/ Project number: 598746-EPP-1-2018-1-LT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP


Aims and objectives:

Concerning its main activities and methodology, the project will be primarily focused at grasping the needs and priorities of Asian HEIs when it comes to internationalization strategies and tools, so to tailor the subsequent actions and knowledge-sharing programs. After having consolidated a clear outlook of the practices and tools currently adopted in this sector by the universities of Myanmar, Laos, and Cambodia, the TOOLKIT consortium will start providing training activities in the EU partner universities for Asian IROs on writing/updating the IR strategic plans, educational project-writing and management and management of mobility schemes. The newly acquired skills and expertise in such fields will be then disseminated by local IROs on a national and regional level, through the organization of specific workshops and cascade trainings in their home universities to train additional HEIs from the three countries involved. In the meantime, TOOLKIT Asian partners will also foster the engagement of the entire academic community in IR activities concerning students and teaching staff through events organized by the IROs. Furthermore, to lay the foundations for tangible and long-lasting outcomes, the project is also targeted at other additional stakeholders, such as academic leaders and local policymakers, in order to raise their awareness and commitment to sound, innovative internationalization agendas. Finally, TOOLKIT endeavours in terms of dissemination, exploitation, and sustainability will revolve around the setting-up of two MOOCs, a HelpLine for project management, and a Policy Paper, that will raise the attention of international policymakers on the needs of Asian HEIs.

Climate change is a result of modern human lifestyles and activities: heating in buildings, power consumption, cars and aircraft, industrial companies and other activities in the built environment contribute greatly to climate change. Climate change leads to extreme weather events, such as storms, flooding, droughts and heat waves. In the last decade, the world suffered thrice as many weather-related natural disasters as in the 1960s. One of the possible solutions to these problems is improvement of education in environmental protection technology based on consumer behaviour related to energy efficiency and climate change (hereafter BECK education). The main challenge is to consolidate a variety of diverse activities in education quality improvement, such as the delivery of extensive educational programmes and capacity building, the continued knowledge sharing, etc. In order to progress on these efforts, it is necessary to build the capacity and an associated network of experts and institutions.

Wider objective of the project – to upgrade the curricula with 16 new harmonized multidisciplinary adaptive MOOC modules on environmental protection technology in the Russian, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh universities in order to increase their capacity to continually modernise, enhance the quality and relevance of education of students to the global market needs and to ensure international cooperation.

Main objectives of BECK project:

  1. To upgrade curricula of BSc/specialists, MSc and PhD programmes in Russian, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh universities by adding 16 new multidisciplinary adaptive, recognised and certificated MOOC modules on consumer behavior related to energy efficiency and climate change, to enhance the quality and relevance of education in PC and EU universities to global issues;
  2. To transfer European practices in education (learning and teaching tools, methodologies and pedagogical approaches including learning outcomes and ICT-based practices) from participating EU universities to PC universities;
  3. To assist competence development of teachers within PC universities;
  4. To develop the Simulated Big Data Interuniversity Networked Affective Educational Centre to encourage use of ICT-based methodologies in education and research;
  5. To strengthen educational and scientific networking among EU and PC universities in the BECK field.

The project in general terms also will spread and promote the awareness in the Partner Countries related to the EU policies referred to Energy Efficiency and Climate Change approach towards EU best practices, with specific reference to the “Environmental & Energy 20-20-20 targets”. 
